
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hidden Figures!

Everyone must go see the movie Hidden Figures!!! 

I am appalled that the stories of these amazing women were never told before now. Does anyone remember if Kathryn Johnson was mentioned in Apollo 13 or any other movie/book/story about space or NASA? If this is the first time we are hearing about the lives of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, who else has an amazing story that we have not heard?

I was never comfortable saying Dr Martin Luther King Jr day. I always wished we kept it as Civil Rights Day because I didn't want the stories of the women who contributed to the Civil Rights Movement to be diminished. Everyone has heard of Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King, but what about the other women? There is no way only men were involved in the Civil Rights Movement! The director of the movie SelmaAva DuVernay, received no screen writing credit, but claimed to have done a 90% rewrite of the original script because there were no women of the Civil Rights Movement in the script.

I found a list of women who contributed to the Civil Rights Movement:

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