
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sports in the UK

On the way to London last week, they were talking on the radio about how most of the Team GB Olympic medalists were from expensive private schools. Apparently here in the UK they don't do sports in schools. Twice now I have heard it is because when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister she eliminated funding to schools for teachers to be paid as coaches in after school programs. Obviously I was not here when that happened, but from my Title 9 upbringing I would have been against that because of all the opportunities in sports I had growing up. But this is also not the first time I have heard of people talking about a difference in the classes. I was working at the Wolverhampton campus a while back when the guy I was working with was talking about how he didn't think it was a good idea that the current Prime Minister David Cameron had a goal of having the majority of the population have a university degree. He thought that the number was too high and that some people need to be plumbers, electricians, or other blue collar jobs. Here in the UK they require 14-year-olds to pick what they want to do for the rest of their life. How many of you knew what you wanted at 14? I guess this is how they keep the feudal system in place. This just makes me more grateful my ancestors left so that I could be an American and have the opportunity to make my own choices without class pressure.

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