1st Anniversary!!!
Tomorrow is our anniversary! I can't believe it has been a year since we got married and almost two years since we met. Hopefully next year we will be in the middle of completing Dave's visa application. I told Dave we should write about our first year. So here is my version:- I've been homesick since July and Dave is really sweet and offers to send me home for a visit, but really I don't want to go back without Dave and I want it to be permanent.
- Dave gets sick frequently, it's kinda fun to take care of him.
- Dave is tooooo nice and offers to help people all the time at the expense of his sleeping. (He works at night and sleeps during the day.) So there are a lot of times where I have to make sure he stays in bed and sleeps and says no to people.
- Dave is really funny. I started a twitter account to write all the goofy stuff he says. The other day he asked me if the outside of my eyebrow was fighting with the inside of my eyebrow and the middle is the peacekeeper. Another is he asks me if I want to shave my arm hair. I could keep going, but I would be here a while, so follow us on twitter @NewlywedSayings.
- It was Dave's idea for us not to watch tv on Sundays. I thought it would be hard for him not watching his precious English football, but I like it. It keeps a peaceful vibe in the flat all day after church.
- We have a habit of saying a prayer and kissing before someone leaves the house.
- We try to read scriptures together, but it's hard with Dave's schedule.
- Dave is still the YM President at church, but I am now a Sunday School teacher for the new member class.
- Dave was transferred to a different department at work, he likes his new job more than the old job.
- In-laws. I think it's from a Disney movie, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all." That is how I would describe the MIL. However, my family is awesome to Dave. It's interesting to have such a drastic difference in families. Now you know why I want to move back to Utah.
- Since we are both in our late 30's it's been interesting to see how we approach and resolve challenges because we have been on our own for so long.
- Don't tell Dave things when he looks like he is awake even though he really is asleep because he won't remember them unless you put it in his phone calender.
- Dave is always telling me I'm beautiful, but he is the one that is awesome!
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