
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

IVF embryo transfer day

Last Wednesday was embryo transfer day. It was kinda cool because I got to watch it on the ultrasound screen. I laid on the table afterward and prayed that the embryo would decide to attach to my uterine wall. Ever since then I have pretty much been hanging out in bed and doing work on my laptop. Saturday I did collect some really good data and went to see the new X-men movie, which Dave was dying to see. The precautions the doctor gave me was no lifting more than 10 lbs, not to increase my heart rate, and stay horizontal as much as possible.

Now we wait. My blood test is next Monday to determine if I am pregnant. It's hard to wait not being able to feel anything before the pregnancy symptoms. All I can do is take care of my body and pray. Although every time I do pray I break out into crying. When Dave and I pray together and it's my turn, I cry, then he gives me a big hug. I think it's a combination of the hormones and really hoping that Heavenly Father answers our prayers so we can finally have a baby.

The embryologist took a picture of our embryo. The fertility doctor says it looks good because there are eight cells! I know everyone gets excited about posting ultrasound baby pictures, but this gets me excited about the potential of us having a baby!

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