
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pronunciation Guide

Dave and I have been reading the Book of Mormon together and got to Alma chapter 2. There is a bad guy called Amlici and his followers are called the Amlicites. Well, Dave couldn't say his name so he just called him Bob and his Bobites. I went over to the Pronunciation Guide to help Dave say it right and realized that Amlici is suppose to be pronounced ăm´lĭ-sī, but in my head all these years I have been pronouncing it a-măl´a-sī instead.
Then we got to Alma 3:4 which says, "they had marked themselves with red in their foreheads...." This made Dave think that these people were Cylons from Battlestar Galactica original. Yes, we are weird! LOL ;)

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