
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


This is what I did today:
-woke up late, made Dave take me to school
-at school: login to email and check where this meeting is suppose to be, no details, great!
-run around campus looking for everyone who is suppose to be in the meeting, no luck
-go back to office and check email for an update...there isn't one, but then one of the tech crew walks in and says they are in the biomechanics lab waiting for me (I had already check there)
-mtg: tech team reminds me to go to the first aid class in two weeks and they won't bug me about doing my research without a staff member babysitting me.
-stay long enough to do idle chit chat before I can leave without offending anyone
-back in the PhD students office and do a little bit of everything before next meeting
-meet with sound dude about waltz music
-eat lunch
-finished edits on bibliography review, hopefully this is the last time and I can finally submit for publication, email to Dr Wyon
-Yippee! Finished in time to catch the school bus to town so I don't have to walk home the whole way.
-stop at the bank to find out if I can send the money to register for the Kinesiology conference in Croatia, it's gonna cost £15 :(
-walk home
-take shower (see being late above for reason why this took so long)
-take nap
-check emails and facebook, respond to dancers about coming to lab to do more research
-make a cd with waltz music for my next meeting with the sound dude
-kiss Dave before he goes to work
-finish edits for female dancer survey, resist the urge to email it to committee and do a happy dance
-make food from left overs
-write blog post (in progress)
-then go to bed

This is what PhD students do in the summer, even though the weather is not summery right now.

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