
Sunday, May 13, 2012

New Church Calling

Dave and I got called to be the Activity Days Leaders in our ward. Activity Days is for 8-11 year olds. In the US and I think Canada they do scouting for the boys, but in other countries the church doesn't sponsor scouting. Which is weird since Robert Baden-Powell was from England. So instead they have the Faith in God program. I was the Activity Days Leader while I was working on my Master's degree, but it was only for a handful of cute little girls. Since our ward only has one 9-year-old girl and about 5 boys, Sister Williams (the Primary President) felt inspired to give us a joint calling. It's not uncommon to have joint callings, with a husband and wife, in Primary, but this is our first. It's kinda exciting. We already started a list of things to do for activities. So now we just need to plan them and get them approved by Sister Williams and the Bishop.

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