
Sunday, September 20, 2009

I gave in...

I finally gave in and read the Harry Potter series. I was bored and did all 7 books in about 10 days. Everyone in the family has read them so I just borrowed their books. I have to give it up to J.K. Rowling, she does have a really good imagination to come up with this universe!


Brittney said...

I was the same way before I read them. I thought they looked kinda dumb, but was really bored one Thanksgiving when we were in WY at my grandma's house. I read one a day while we were there!

Denae said...

Is it worth it? I was thinking about doing the same thing!

Teri's Blog said...

Yeah, but you might want to wait until all the movies are out. I was glad to read the book, watch the movie, read the book, watch the movie, etc.