
Friday, January 2, 2009

What to do on New Years day?

I decided to go to a movie. After looking at the selection I was drawn to Twilight for the third time. What does this say about me...
1- Not that many good movies were released in Nov/Dec 2008, or
2- I have bad taste in movies, or
3- I am more addicted to the Twilight series than I thought I was and my subconscious automatically picked what I really wanted to see.
However, the theatre was packed (granted it was mostly teenage girls), so I might not be the only one with the above 3 problems. :)

Kelly Taylor and Dr. Cullen at the Twilight premiere
(How cute!)

1 comment:

Chris F. said...

It could be a combination of the three. Who knows for sure. I go to see a movie here and there. From my perspective, there aren't too many movies that interest me anymore.

Of course, having a preference for movies from Hollywood's Golden Age may have something to do with it.
I think I was born on the wrong end of the 20th century.

Have a wonderful 2009!