
Saturday, June 4, 2011

new name

I went to sign some paperwork the other day and I did 'Teri Riding' like usual. Then I remembered I need to add McCabe from now on. It makes me laugh when I do stuff like that. I've been Teri Riding for so long that I forget. :) The missionaries came over for dinner the other day and called us the McCabe's. It was kinda weird, but fun that we have this family of 2 now.


● C E L I N A ● said...

Getting a new signature is the worst.

♥ theMRS.

Sally said...

I wrote a check to Kristin Merryweather the other day!

Rebecca said...

so, three years later-- never a problem before, I called the hospital to prepare to have my little guy, and I told them my name was Rebecca Dunn. Good thing my mom heard me and reminded me that my name was now Western!