
Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Things

So I did the 25 things from facebook, but I added a couple I remembered.
1. My favorite color is purple.

2. I am allergic to cats.

3. I loved doing my Master's thesis, it was hard work, but I loved it. I still want to solve the problem of this neck injury in ballroom dancers.

4. I love the idea of the Original thought. (See my thesis and the movie A Beautiful Mind.)

5. Proud of the fact I am from Utah and Bill Clinton came in third!

6. I don’t like fruit in my food, for example, pie, mandarin salad, etc…

7. My Mom, our neighbor Kandis, and I go watch click flicks together whenever I’m in Provo.

8. Just like in the Mormon version of Pride and Prejudice the girl threw the hymn book at Collins, I threw a shoe in Sunday school at Paul Day because he wouldn't shut up. That part in the movie made me laugh like crazy!

9. I had the extreme privilege of going on a mission to South Africa. If you ever have the chance go visit it is absolutely beautiful.

10. During grad school I got the idea that BYU should not just do an All Sports Pass, but also an All Music/Dance/Theatre Pass. It's not just for sports fans anymore!

11. In my opinion Vote for Pedro t-shirts is not appropriate to wear when meeting the university president who happens to be a General Authority! All of you who were at that meeting know what I am talking about.

12. I Love to read, currently getting through Alan Greenspan's book, it's really good.

13. Samuel T. Anders is the hottest guy on Battlestar Galactica!!!

14. I want Veronica Mars' dog!

15. I have a default song in my head thanks to Kristin Minster "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing".

16. Had way too much fun with my freshman roommates! You all know why ;)

17. I love playing card and board games with my family, however I warn you I will cheat to beat my brother Corey!

18. The cops have a radar on me; I always get caught speeding, etc.

19. I honestly can’t believe how many people I am friends with on facebook. Surprise, I didn’t know I knew this many people!

20. I love to exercise, especially when you are sore the next day, gotta love DOMS! But I love chocolate more!

21. I knew more about the Star Wars characters than all the guys on the BYU Folk dance team. We got to see Episode 3 while on tour in Georgia. I was also on tour with the BYU’s Ballroom Dance Company when Episode 1 came out. My cousin Lance got married the day Episode 2 was released.

22. I have all 7 seasons of West Wing on dvd... and I watch them!

23. When I am asked about my nephew Caimon, I always call him “My Completely Adorable Nephew Caimon”. BTW, he can say Aunt Teri now! Yippee!!!

24. I have naturally curly/wavy hair and if I blow dry it and use a super hot curling iron I can straighten it, but forget it if I am in humidity.

25. I move furniture around when I’m in the mood, ask Carla den Dulk.

26. I hate sharing hymn books in church, that's why I have my own.

27. I eat cereal the same way as my Mom. That's because the same person taught us... Grandma Jensen!

1 comment:

Denae said...

I love moving furniture around and will sit on the floor with my back to the wall and push with my legs if it is too heavy.