
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Grandma's letter

So recently, my Uncle Phil recieved an old letter from my Grandma Jensen to her family. Maybe I should back up. My Grandpa served in the Eastern Canada mission when Pearl Harbor happened. When he went back after WW2 for a vacation guess who was there...yep, Grandma was serving in the same mission. So my Grandma had to write home and tell her parents she was engaged. By the way, Grandpa was from Monticello, Utah and Grandma was from Sterling, Alberta. The letter that is my favorite is the one Grandma sent to her family after she recieved a letter from her family annoucing she was engaged. She was using words and terms that came straight out of Mayberry.

  • "He's really an ideal fellow, Mother, just the kind of a fellow you'd want me to marry."
  • "Quinn said his mother always made them help with the housework so he'll make somebody a lovely wife." Which is true, Grandpa did a lot of housework.
  • "He's such a swell fellow."
  • "Honestly, he's the grandest person."
  • "That would surely be swell."

I can't believe that people really did talk like that. Grandma Jensen died of cancer in January 1980. The letter sounds just like her only younger.


Denae said...

Thanks for sharing some of your letters. I would love to find letters from my grandparents to family. I hope they've kept such things!

Teri's Blog said...

Oh Denae,
If you find letters you will just laugh at the slang they used back then!