
Monday, January 30, 2017

How much money does infertility cost?

Dave and I did our taxes today. Last year we paid $17,223 in medical expenses. A massive amount of this is infertility treatments.

So, here's the cost of infertility:

  • One of the car doors is broken.
  • The kitchen faucet needs to be fixed. 
  • The back bedrooms need to be connected to the heater. (We didn't realize they weren't connected when we bought the house.)
  • We need air conditioning in the house. 
  • The refrigerator is starting to make weird noises.
  • I keep forgetting to get the cats updated on their shots.
  • There is a leak in the roof in both back bedrooms, the ceilings also need to be fixed.

It feels like something is always on the verge of breaking.

One of our goals is for Dave to get his MBA. His job will reimburse him tuition, but after doing our taxes no wonder it felt like we couldn't afford it last year. This will be the year!

We have decided to try a embryo adoption/frozen embryo transfer one more time. This means we will have to be put on the waiting list for embryos again and who knows how long that will be. It was four months last time. After we get embryos, we plan to wait before doing the frozen embryo transfer to save up some money. The yard sale fundraiser was successful, so we will probably do that again, but will need to wait for the weather to get warmer.

Even though infertility costs an arm and a leg, it's worth it. All that money we spent last year was worth it to be pregnant for 8 weeks.


Angel said...

Hello, have you heard of couples splitting embryos to save cost for both? I'm 33 I already have children and wanted desperately to have another. Maybe it's because I had my children young that I have this ache to have a baby. I've had 3 ectopic pregnancy's in the last 6 months and lost both fallopiantubes. I've been looking into ways of saving money on IVF and read about couples sharing/slitting the amount of embryos received. Have you heard about this? I found your u tube channel while looking into IVF.

Teri's Blog said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry about your pregnancy losses. We are doing embryo adoption, so frozen embryo transfers are cheaper than IVF. Talk to your fertility doctor about other options like embryo adoption if you are having egg or sperm problems. Thanks for watching the YouTube videos.